Thursday, May 31, 2018

How to recover from over training?

How to recover from overtraining

Currently, in competitive sports, there is a continuous increase in the volume and intensity of training. This reduces the time needed to regenerate the body. This can inhibit the player's progress and contribute to the deterioration of sports results, and thus how to recover from overtraining?

Overtraining is a form of chronic fatigue, which arises as a result of the imbalance between training and rest as a result of t
oo intensive training. 


In the initial phase, the results improve, but then the sports form stabilizes. A further lack of improvement in the results encourages the athlete to further increase the training load, which in turn aggravates the rest conditions.

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Finally, there is a significant deterioration of sports results and changes in the personality and disposition of the player.

Symptoms of overtraining

- aversion to training, 
- apathy, 
- irritability, 
- feeling unwell, 
- insomnia, 
- anxiety, 
- loss of appetite, 
- muscle pain, joint pain.


- deterioration of performance, 
- deterioration of sports results, 
- longer reaction time, 
- deterioration of technical skills, 
- deterioration of tendon reflexes, 
- trembling of the limbs, 
- excessive sweating,


- increase in energy and oxygen consumption, 
- changes in ECG, 
- decrease in blood lactate concentration at maximum load, 
- decrease in muscle and liver glycogen stores, 
- decrease in hematocrit, hemoglobin and erythrocytes, 
- decrease in testosterone concentration in blood, 
- increase in concentration cortisol in the blood, 
- a decrease in testosterone to cortisol.

On the other hand, factors favoring the occurrence of overtraining include nutritional deficiencies, bacterial diseases, low sleep, use of stimulants and doping agents.

The initial period of overtraining may be poorly symptomatic, where the harbinger may be symptoms from the nervous vegetative system. 

There are two types of overtraining:

Sympathomotonic overtraining (based on equilateral) - is characterized by a predominance of arousal states, there is anxiety, irritability, weight loss, sleep disturbances, a sense of illness, faster fatigue, impaired interpersonal relations. One can observe the well-being of an athlete, but his efficiency due to the impairment of leisure is reduced. There is also an increase in the number of infections, mainly upper respiratory tract. This type of overtraining occurs as a result of using very intense training without prior preparation. This overtraining can usually be cured within 1-2 weeks.
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Treatment consists in significantly reducing training loads. Strength training with low intensity and active rest are used here. However, biological regeneration treatments are recommended: relaxing massage, baths in neutral temperature with additions of salt, CO2 baths, ultraviolet irradiation.

The diet should be of full alkaline character with the addition of multivitamin supplements, also sedatives and sleeping pills are used. It is also recommended to change the environment, e.g. mountains.

Overtaxing (addition) - this type of overtraining is difficult to diagnose because it runs slowly and increases imperceptibly (a bomb with a delayed ignition!). One of his first symptoms is a significant pulse release, even below 40 beats per minute. Another, the very common symptom is the weak fighting spirit. Because there is a good tolerance of loads with a large volume, while in the case of high or very high-intensity exercise, the player feels the so-called A "dead point" that he can not overcome. The main reason for this type of overtraining is the use of too large training loads with a large volume, unsuitable for the player's body.

This overtraining can be cured in a few weeks, in more severe cases - a few months. In the initial period, it is enough to reduce the training load for 2-3 weeks and give up participation in the competition during this time. Treatment of this type of overtraining is based on a significant reduction in the training volume. Variable and interval training, as well as relaxing exercises, are introduced. The biological regeneration treatments include: stimulating massages, short sessions in a high-temperature sauna with the use of cold water pouring, hot and cold water jets for a change. An acidic diet rich in vitamins and proteins is recommended.

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It is also recommended to change the climate for a stimulant, e.g. the sea.

However, in the case of acute symptoms of overtraining such as a significant reduction in endurance, post-workout heart palpitations, insomnia and the occurrence of reflux at rest, hospital treatment is necessary. Such a state can cause interruption of training even for half a year, and apparently, the sport is health?

Finally, I propose a few preventive rules that counteract the occurrence of both types of overtraining:

- individualization of training, 
- the gradual increase of frequency, volume, and intensity of training, 
- recording of volume and intensity of training, 
- avoiding the accumulation of fatigue, ensure sufficient rest after heavy loads, 
- avoidance of monotony during training, 
- control of the morning heart rate, body weight and sleep time, 
- leading a healthy lifestyle, 
- periodic medical examination.